How To Improve Your Toddler’s Social Skills
Kids Entertainment

How To Improve Your Toddler’s Social Skills

Do you have a kid that happen to be very shy and timid? Does your kid stay away or purposely hide from other people because they are too shy? If the answer is a YES then it could be a sign that you kid needs to develop her social skills.

As parents, it is our responsibility to mold and develop our kids social skills because this plays and important role to our children’s lives. Children who have very timid personalities are prone to experience bullying and peer pressure which we don’t want to happen. That is the reason why we have to start teaching them at a very young age. One thing that a parent can do to help their kid improve his social skills is by exposing him to children his age by allowing him to attend day care where you kid can freely interact with other kids of his age. Allow them to play with regular toys such as dolls, cars, legos and blocks instead of them spending too much time with ipods, tablets and other gadgets which causes them to be more anti-social.

Give your kid enough freedom to explore his environment and do not be too overprotective because this will hinder them from learning things on their own and making mistakes as well. Prepare them for big school by enrolling at Early Learning Centre so he could work on his interpersonal skills that will come in handy as he continues to grow up. Encourage your kid to talk freely and allow him to express his emotions whether he is happy, sad or angry. This is a very effective way for him to get over his shyness. A lot of kids who are timid grew up not being able to properly express themselves because they are not encouraged to talk about their feelings and freely give out their personal opinions regarding different topics.

As early as two or three years old you can start empowering your kid by allowing him to make simple choices in order for him to feel more confident. Give your kids little tasks to make them feel more empowered and aside from that they also feel good about themselves. Usually a timid child lacks self confidence so he easily gets scared. Provide them with the right amount of guidance that they should be getting and do not forget to boost their confidence by saying things such as “good job” , “ you are amazing” or “mommy and daddy loves you and we are proud of you so keep it up”. These type of positive reinforcement will definitely leave a good and lasting impression on your child’s social skills.